文件大小: unknow
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资源说明:Lightweight lightbox style image viewer
# Quicklook.js

Quicklook is a lightweight jQuery modal image viewer. You've seen them before and everyone's got one, this is my one.

## Usage

In order to use this you will obviously you will need to include the script and any accompanying CSS
Then simply call it with a jQuery selector targeting any image links you wish to be handled by quicklook e.g.

		$('.quicklook a').quicklook();

You can even be a super lazy with your selector as quicklook will (by default) ignore any links that don't point at an image (see **validateImages** below)


## Options and callbacks

### speed
The speed for most of the animations e.g fadein, fadeout, image transition etc. 

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		speed: 400

### controlFadeSpeed
The speed at which the controls (close button) fades in and out. 

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		controlFadeSpeed: 200

### validateImages
Enabled by default; quicklook will check the links it has been passed to see if they point to an image (jpg|jpeg|png|gif|tiff|pict|bmp|svg) and will ignore any that don't.

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		validateImages: true

### enableNavigation
Enabled by default; allows clicking on the loaded image to load the next quicklook enabled image.

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		enableNavigation: true

### onLoad (linkElements _array_, quicklookWindow _object_)
Callback fired when quicklook has initialised, contains the array of quicklook enabled links and the quicklook window element.

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		onLoad: function(linkElements, quicklookWindow){
			console.log(linkElements, quicklookWindow);

### onClick (element _object_, thumbnail _object_)
Callback fired when a quicklook link is clicked, conatins the clicked links and it's thumbnail image.

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		onClick: function(element, thumbnail){
			console.log(element, thumbnail);

### onSkip (element _object_, imageURL _string_)
Callback fired when skipping to the next image, contains the next link element and the next images URL.
	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		onSkip: function(element, imageURL){
			console.log(element, imageURL);
### onClose (quicklookWindow _object_)
Callback fired when the quicklook window is closed, contains the quicklook window element.
	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		onClose: function(quicklookWindow){

### onImageLoad (image _object_)
Callback for when an image preview has been loaded, contains the loaded image.

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		onImageLoad: function(image){

### onImageError (image _object_)
Callback for when an image preview has failed to load, contains the image that failed to load.

	$('.quicklook a').quicklook({
		onImageError: function(image){
