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资源说明:Conditionally load content in responsive designs without relying on AJAX. Proof of concept.
## About lazyBlock

lazyBlock is a proof-of-concept to show how content can be conditionally loaded in responsive designs without relying on AJAX to fetch that content. Content is included in the original mark-up but is placed within `

### The JavaScript

lazyBlock works by being attached to events like `onclick`. This is the `onclick` code from the demo that toggles the "related-shirts-panel" `div` open and closed:

    // add an onclick handler to toggle the example
    document.getElementById("related-shirts-link").onclick = function() { lB.getById("related-shirts-link").toggle(); };

It is, admittedly, a little verbose.

lazyBlock also supports its own custom events. They are: `onLBStart`, `onLBShow`, `onLBHide`, and `onLBComplete`. lazyBlock comes with a simple function to allow you to quickly bind your code to elements. This demo code updates the "related-shirts-status" `span` with wording to signify the change in action for the link when the "related-shirts-target" `div` is shown and hidden.

    // run code at certain points in the running of the toggle
    // usage: lb.bind(element ID, event name, code to run)
    lB.getById("related-shirts-link").bind("onLBShow",function() { document.getElementById("related-shirts-status").innerHTML = "hide shirts"; } );
    lB.getById("related-shirts-link").bind("onLBHide",function() { document.getElementById("related-shirts-status").innerHTML = "show shirts"; } );

You can also have the panel open based on screen width so you can integrate this functionality with a responsive design.

### Toggling Multiple Elements from One Click

To toggle multiple elements simply include their shared base in an array when making the `.toggle()` call. For example:


## Other Ways to "Hide" Content from Browser Parser

