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  • IMPL2MSG.rar ... SOURCE CODE FOR IMPLIB FILTER This filter accepts input through the standard input stream, convertsit and outputs it to the ... output am. The streams are linkedthrough pipes, such that the input stream is the output from the import librarian being ...
  • TASM2MSG.rar EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR TASM FILTER his filter accepts input through the standard input stream, converts it and outputs it to the ... stream. The streams are linked through pipes, such that the input stream is the output from the assembler being invoked, ...
  • ClsInputBox.rar 输入提示对话框,相当于VB里的Input消息对话框,提示输入。
  • cdib-wave-input-commuinication-oneship.rar 先对波形处理,应用于串口通讯,VC++6.0环境下编译通过
  • hough00.rar Hough Transformation Algorithm Input: Original image in the form of an array: Image1[xMax][yMax] Output: New image : Image2 [xMax][yMax] containing the detected straight lines. Intermediate data structure: Hough [tMax][ ...
  • GA-wangxp.rar ... 文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于 ...
  • lookup_multi.rar //4×4 查找表乘法器 module mult4x4(out,a,b,clk) output[7:0] out input[3:0] a,b input clk reg[7:0] out reg[1:0] firsta,firstb reg[1:0] seconda,secondb wire[3:0] outa,outb,outc,outd always @(posedge clk) begin firsta = a[3:2] seconda = a[1:0] ...
  • pygpiv-0.0.tar.gz LIBGPIV is software for (Digital) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). It contains the core functions for image-processing, image evaluation, validation, post-processing, input/output functions, memory allocation etc.
  • AVICQ_proj1537071312003.zip ... register the control by command line: regsvr32 \filepath\avphone3.ocx 3: open the project 4: press F5 to start video / audio ICQ now! 5: If there is a audio loop back noise please try to reduce the volume of your wave input device or speaker.
  • Secure_Programming_Cookbook_for_C_and_C++.rar ... Windows environments. This essential code companion covers a wide range of topics, including safe initialization, access control, input validation, symmetric and public key cryptography, cryptographic hashes and MACs, authentication and key exchange, PKI, ...