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  • USB.rar 枚举HID(Human Input Device)设备,实现通信,在VC6下调试通过。
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  • SimpleScreenCaptureServer.zip ... the client program. It s a swing-based UI. java -jar RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar 3. Select Run/Connect menu. Input your server address and port number. You could just double-click on the RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar to launch the client ...
  • LangInputMode2_src.zip Input method change demo
  • MS.Press-Software.Requirements-2nd.Edition.zip This resource shows you how to define and get more out of software requirements with dozens of "best practices" and tips on getting better design input from your customers and then using these requirements to generate a variety of design documents.
  • divi.rar ... 给定的2 个正整数a≤b,编程计算a 和b 之间约数个数最多的数。 数据输入 输入数据由文件名为input.txt的文本文件提供。文件的第1 行有2 个正整数a和b。 结果输出 程序运行结束时,若找到的a 和b 之间约数个数最多的数是x,将div(x)输出到文件output.txt中。 输入文件示例 输出文件示例 input.txt output.txt 1 36 9
  • Text-T9-1.0.tar.gz T9 Text Input You can use this source code for input T9 Text Input(English)
  • patch2stl.rar Export a vertices/faces patch to an STL triangular mesh.This is based heavily on Bill McDonald s previous work, simply enabling his output functions for a different form of input.
  • dijkstra.rar 请将树G的顶点数和带权邻接矩阵以及待求两点输入进input.txt。如果两点间无边连接,则 用大数65535来表示。