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  • input.rar 使用javascript做的文本框輸入限定,文本框內只能輸入特定的字符
  • Addon_CvConvexityDefect.rar Construct a program by using open franeworks and opencv libraries to consruct a magic game by webcam input vedios
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  • PhantomDestopSimulation.rar ... of the Sensable Phantom Series Haptic Device for developing a graphics model of the device. Then use the device as an input to move the graphic representation of the device. This can be done throught the forward kinematic solution. To run the code ...
  • inputoutputfunction.rar 编写input()和output()函数输入,输出5个学生的数据记录,主要练习使用这两个函数
  • zxc.rar 小写字母变大写字母(汇编语言实现) (2008-05-14 21:57:52) 标签:杂谈 DATA SEGMENT PMT1 DB INPUT Small letter : ,0AH,0DH, $ STR1 DB 40H,0,40H DUP(0) PMT2 DB 0AH,0DH, Display capital letter : ,0AH,0DH STR2 DB 40H DUP(0), $ DATA ENDS STACK1 SEGMENT PARA STACK ...
  • josho(n).rar 约瑟夫环 o(n)解 //n,m input: n,m -- the number of persons, the inteval between persons