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  • Collective_Intelligence.rar <Programming Collective Intelligence>是《集体智慧编程》的原版,主要讲解了WEB2.0的一些数据统计和分析的算法,结合网络上的数据挖掘,全部用PYTHON实现,是一本不可多得的PYTHON学习书籍,绝对值得一看!
  • Artificial1638538312003.zip RS++ (PI - BOT? An Artificial Intelligence Program By: Rishabh Mittal Solves all closed mazes Please credit me if this programs is used as a reference,base for other programs, Demonstration , teaching material etc. If you plan to use this ...
  • intelligence.zip 只能控制理论的教学课件,非常经典的教学资料
  • Neuro-Fuzzy_and_Soft_Computing.zip 張智星先生的代表作,Amazon的介紹:http://www.amazon.com/Neuro-Fuzzy-Soft-Computing-Computational-Intelligence/dp/0132610663
  • 0260.rar it is for Artificial Intelligence
  • BrainComputerInterfaces.zip Concepts about human brain and artificial intelligence AI
  • Programming_collective_intelligence.rar 集体智慧编程,Programming collective intelligence
  • IntelligenceCar.rar Intelligence handcart
  • MixtGaussian.rar Mixtures of Gaussians A Tutorial for the Course Computational Intelligence
  • EmbeddedMultitasking-EmbeddedTechnology.rar This book is dedicated to all the embedded engineers out there adding intelligence to the everyday things in our lives.