Practical Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning
Discover how all levels Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be present in the most unimaginable scenarios of ordinary ... and unrelated to their ordinary life. Practical Artificial Intelligence provides simple explanations and hands on instructions. Rather than ...
Business Intelligence 平台安装指南(Windows 版)
下述文档向管理员介绍有关安装、删除和修改BI 平台服务器的信息、过程及选项。本指南具有两
•《SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 平台安装指南Windows 版》:适用于Microsoft
Windows 操作系统(本文档)。
•《SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 平台安装指南Unix 版》:适用于Unix 或Linux
本文档也提供BI 平台客户端工具安装信息和过程。