To find the PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) between two intensity images A and B.
SIMMM1 simulate a M/M/1 queueing system. Poisson arrivals of intensity lambda. Poisson service times S of intensity mu.
A function to calculate the defocus length of a spots caused by refractive index mismatch. Also The 3D intensity distribution can be outputted. It have been proved accurate enough by experiment.
... between the color of the background and the color of the target. In other words, if at present the contrast between the target and the background is an "intensity" contrast, the new contrast should contain a term including the "color" contrast.
... that naturally happen between objects. Objects
normally have continuous intensity values therefore sudden changes in that pattern might indicate a
boundary condition. Changes of intensity in one direction can be calculated by the gradient operator ...
a program to control the light intinsity of a lamp by the parallel port the program reads from a light sensor and chek the value to increase or decrease the light intensity
The program peform detection of building patches using the hue and intensity channel
code produce twomodegassian distribution for intensity level which suitable for contrast inhancement
... . The experiments had shown that an initial implementation of system, only using information of variation of the luminous intensity of the images, already presents resulted efficient and efficient and allows to glimpse significant improvements to be ...