Bilinear Image Rescaling
Rescales raw image data using bilinear interpolation. The image data must be provided as a MxN matrix or as a MxNx3 matrix (for RGB image data). The new image size of width W and height H may be specified.
Example for the usage of function interp2
Bicubic smoothing of an image
Its for interpolation, those who are interested in this can contact me for this... For further help youself
this code is the nearst interpolation method :)
A very elegant c program to realize cubbic spline interpolation with not a knot end conditions. I collects it from the internet and think it may be useful, so upload here. Thanks for the original programmer!
... 來不斷重複以下三步驟:
1. Create an intermediate warping field (by interpolation)
2. Warp both images towards it
3. Cross-dissolve the colors in the newly warped images