CDMA 2000第三层协议标准
Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling
Standard for cdma2000 Standards
for Spread Spectrum Systems
该代码演示了MPEG-Layer 3 (MP3)格式的文件是如何被诸如WinAmp和Windows Media Player这样的程序读出来的。请注意,该代码没有调用Windows API,DLL或者OCX。该源代码阅读和播放MP3文件,没有包含例子,但它基于FreeAmp。最初的MP3解码算法是由Xing Technologies编写的
802.11a WLAN PHY
There are *three* versions of the 802.11a physical layer model:
Requires R13 (MATLAB 6.5) and Stateflow (for adaptive modulation control)
Requires R13 (MATLAB 6.5), but does not ...
Details for How to develop an OAL .Step-by-step to develop an OAL. An OEM adaptation layer (OAL) is a layer of code between the Windows CE kernel and the hardware of your target device. You develop an OAL to communicate data between your operating system ...
本系统采用MEPG_4的SVP(Simple Visual Profile)视频解码。视频序列全部为矩形。所以不存在任意形状编码。视频序列按照视频对象层VOL(Video Object Layer)、视频对象平台VOP(Video Object Plane)、宏块MB(Macro Block)视顺序变成一串码流
This applet illustrates the prediction capabilities of the multi-layer perceptrons. It allows to define an input signal on which prediction will be performed. The user can choose the number of input units, hidden units and output units, as well as the ...
annie is an ANN, ie, Artificial Neural Network library developed in C++. It can be used to implement various kinds of neural networks like Multi-Layer Perceptron, Radial basis function networks, Hopfield networks etc.
Single-layer neural networks can be trained using various learning algorithms. The best-known algorithms are the Adaline, ... for supervised learning. The first two are specific to single-layer neural networks while the third can be generalized to multi- ...