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  • pODBC.zip Direct mapping layer for ODBC database access (D5). Light weight, fast and no dependencies.
  • GraphGA-TabuHierarchicalLayout.rar ... : minimal edge crossing. Minimal esge crossing is the most important aspect in aesthetic graph drawing(planar drawing). Hierarchical graph with a hierarchical drawin using multiple layer has a great importnace in data mining software solution.
  • GraphGA-DynamicGraphDrawingWithHybridizedGA.rar ... graph containing multiple layers and we create a group of chromozoms from the input layered graph. We have inter-layer and intra-layer crossing. We use the minimum edge crossing as the principal criteria to sort chromozom. The genetic algorithm offers ...
  • QueryBuilder.zip ... are available on the primary map resource. When a user selects a layer, the query automatically populates the list of columns (fields) for the layer. The user can then either manually type out the query, or double click on any of the ...
  • PRDemo.rar a single layer perceptron ,developed by matlab
  • ANN-tools-devel.tar.gz A simple ANN sample code. 2 Layer neuro and the active function is sigmoid.
  • IEEE802.11a.rar IEEE802.11a WLAN physical layer model,with demonstration of adaptive modulation and coding
  • 14230-1s.zip Keyword Protocol 2000 - Part 1 - Physical Layer, Swedish Implementation Standard
  • NFTL4.3.rar This user guide describes how to implement the Numonyx® NAND Flash Translation Layer (NFTL) software for the purpose of using a NAND flash memory device for data storage.
  • neuralnetworks.rar For training two-layer perceptrons using steepest descent.