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  • SingleLayerPerceptron.zip Single Layer Percepton for AND,OR,ANDNOT,NOR
  • cbr-50-tcp-with.rar cbr-50-tcp It is widely accepted that UDP is the preferred transport layer for delivery of real-time CBR workloads, such as voice or video. I
  • CUBE2-skamtik-single-layer.rar schematic cube led atmega 32
  • Three-Layer-WinForm-Programming.rar 租赁系统,用VS2005平台上开发的包含三层架构,是一个不错的程序。
  • myGradientDescent.zip ... will write about the evolution of neural networks. I will start with the most simple network of all, the Single Layer Perceptron, and work through different architectures and learning methods which will eventually lead to networks that can predict stock ...
  • myBackPropagation.zip ... . The basic steps are: Initialise the network with small random weights. Present an input pattern to the input layer of the network. Feed the input pattern forward through the network to calculate its activation value. Take the ...
  • B-MAC.rar mac layer wireless sensor network
  • 16.rar ofdm 802.11.6 phy layer
  • Four-layer--double-Lift.zip 四层双电梯智能系统,模块化设计,包括电梯选择,电梯外部控制,电梯内部控制,楼层显示等模块