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  • HLSL.rar 本教程针对HLSL(High Level Shading Language)初学者,从应用的角度对HLSL、顶点着色器、像素着色器和Effect效果框架进行了介绍,教程中去掉了对HLSL语法等一些细节内容的讨论,力求帮助读者尽可能快地理解HLSL编程的概念,掌握HLSL编程的方法。
  • jbig2enc.rar big2enc is a fairly fully featured JBIG2 encoder. JBIG2 encodes bi-level (1 bpp) images using a number of clever tricks to get better compression than G4.
  • VHDL.rar vhdl 相关知识 指令及示例 和 Physical Level Design using Synopsys
  • bruphp_210.rar Overall, Symfony is more sophisticated (ie. harder to use) while CodeIgniter seems more geared to my level of programming and environment. Symfony might be good for you if you live in code day in and day out, and have a dedicated server, but if not, give ...
  • Code.zip ... which uses CSerialPort is more robust. Unicode enabled, supports linking to MFC statically and all code compiles cleanly at warning level 4. Supports overlapped, blocking and callback usage models of the serial port. (Callback is only supported on NT). ...
  • MIPS.rar Top level Architecture of MIPS Processor
  • NetDecompiler.zip ... , it translates a file containing information at a relatively low level of abstraction (usually designed to be computer readable rather than human readable) into a form having a higher level of abstraction (usually designed to be human readable).
  • myimgLabeller.zip A Qt4 and OpenCV program to label a image at pixel level, It has inbuild segmentation algorithm included, with a bar for varying parameters. Useful tool for annotating a image.
  • ls_discrete.zip level set approach utilized for segmentaiton and act as tool box for matlab
  • SourceWinIO.zip The WinIo library allows 32-bit Windows applications to directly access I/O ports and physical memory. It bypasses Windows protection mechanisms by using a combination of a kernel-mode device driver and several low-level programming techniques.