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  • b.rar ... or a nice fluorescent image mx: locations of local maxima to pixel-level accuracy from pkfnd.m sz: diamter of the window over which ... one and it will show you the image used to calculate each centroid, the pixel-level peak and the centroid
  • waterlevel.rar this code for measuring the water level and control the water motor in water tank we used 8051 controller
  • FiniteElemenMethodsandTheirApplications.rar ... , its variants, and their applications. In presenting the material, I have attempted to introduce every concept in the simplest possible setting and to maintain a level of treatment that is as rigorous as possible without being unnecessarily abstract.
  • FIR.rar ... the difference between RTL FSMD model (Finite State Machine with Datapath buildin) and RTL FSM + DataPath model. From view of RT level design, each digital design consists of a Control Unit (FSM) and a Datapath. The datapath consists of storage units such ...
  • scm-05-07-2006.zip ... describes a MATLAB implementation of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model (SCM) [3GPP03]. The accompanying MATLAB code implements the system level channel model described in Section 5 of [3GPP03], except the “far scatterer clusters” feature from Section 5.5.2 ...
  • HalfToning.rar Halftones an input gray level image using using Fixed Thresholding, Random Noise Thresholding, Ordered Dithering, Floyd and Steinburg and Stucki Methods.
  • binds_extractor.pl.gz incomplete Oracle trace (10046,level 4 && 1438 errorstack level 3) picker
  • SUDOKU.zip Sudoku for easy level program code written in C using TurboC++ on windowsXP. The program has the problem set stated inside the code, change that part of code for another problem.
  • TURBOCODEAPPTOIMAGETRANSMISSION.rar ... carried out between turbo coded APEL, JPEG, and BMP image files. To provide a fair comparison between the APEL and JPEG images, compression level had to be the same. This resulted in the data reduction for both APEL and JPEG to be around 5 to 1. In the ...
  • 11.rar ... from these simple examples are relevant to large programs. More generally, it argues for a use of C++ as a higher-level language that relies on abstraction to provide elegance without loss of efficiency compared to lower-level styles.