spline interpolation example. it approximate sp line using given points
This is a fractal program , It is very simple
Line : Von Cock , Peano , Sierpinski ..
Surface : Julia , Mandelbrot , Phoenix
Some kind of fractal Tree using IFS ...
wavelet_test - is useful code.
This code showing operations with wavelets by conversions. It is developed under MS DOS command line and MS Borland C++
... modes and following operations:
* ls,pwd,cwd,get,put,dele.
* I have tested it using following ftp clients:
* 1. Windows XP s command line ftp client,
* 2. IE 6.0,
* 3. Redhat 9.0 s ftp client,
* 4. CuteFTP 8,
* I ll introduce more functions and ...
... to KML is an extension developed for ArcGIS 9.x by the City of Portland, Bureau of Planning. The extension allows ArcGIS users to export any point, line or polygon dataset in Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format for viewing in the free Google Earth.
program to implement liang barsky line clipping algorithm
progrma to implement cohen sutherland line clipping algorithm