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  • scline.zip TScaleLine component shows scale line as a serie of black and white rectangles with scale caption abowe them.
  • cornerpanel.zip TCornerPanel is an L-shaped panel component. Includes 3D, Line or no borders.
  • SmartSplitter.rar This is a command line tool used to split and combine the file write by Java.
  • FileTransfer.rar This is a command line tool written by Java to transfer file between two computers in a TCP/IP network.
  • LineTransparate.rar This program can generate a line transparent.
  • QQLoginBat.rar ... 添加QQ号码 添加时可以直接输入命令行,也可先按PWDHASH生成命令行,再复制过去(点击上面的Command Line标签). 声明: 程序中的MD5算法和BASE64编码算法均来自互联网,经适当的改编封装而成,未经原作者许可, 请勿 ...
  • HeaderEdit.rar This is about line 2d segy coding
  • 5-drawing-line.zip lcd12864的波形显示程序,扫描形式
  • a.rar DDA program and brezier to draw a line in the same program both algorithms work
  • winuptime.zip Get windows uptime ( time since last boot) in this command line application source code.