New training algorithm for linear classification SVMs that can be much faster than SVMlight for large datasets. It also lets you direcly optimize multivariate performance measures like F1-Score, ROC-Area, and the Precision/Recall Break-Even Point.
HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans. It is a fast, robust and well tested package.
... functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Process : finite horizon, value iteration, policy iteration, linear programming algorithms with some variants.
The functions (m-functions) were developped with MATLAB v6.0 (one of the ...
This demonstration models a flight control for the longitudinal motion of a Grumman Aerospace F-14 Tomcat. First order linear
approximations of the aircraft and actuator behavior are connected to an analog flight control design that uses the pilot s
Xenomorph is a floating-point image processor built for precision, not for speed. It includes a big, extendable set of filters, including linear, polynomial, and morphologic operators. It is the only system allowing morphologic volterra filters.
自己编的一个用随机行走法实现电路计算的例子,电路图及参数均在Partial random walk for large linear network analysis里
rotate_image - rotates an image given inside a matrix by the amount of "degree" counter-clockwise
% using linear interpolation of the output grid points from the back-rotated input points
% in this way, the output image will never have a "blank" point
% Image_Filt Performs linear and nonlinear spatial filtering.
% F = Image_Filt(G, TYPE, M, N, PARAMETER) performs spatial filtering
% of image G using a TYPE filter of size M-by-N. Valid calls to
% Image_Filt are as follows: