Java基础课程 详细介绍各种排序算法的数字演示程序。每种排列方式各有一个排列例子。学生可以观察数字是如何跟随每行编码的运行去排序的。包括了:bubblesort, insertion sort, selection sort, linear view, binaryview, swap-view,delete element from set view 和add element view的演示方法。
... strings of bits will produce a smaller average output size when the actual symbol frequencies agree with those used to create the code. A method was later found to do this in linear time if input probabilities (also known as weights) are sorted.
... approach was described in the paper:
"Fast and Robust Earth Mover s Distance" [, ].
EMD-HAT (a better definition of EMD for non-normalized histograms) was presented in the paper:
"A Linear Time Histogram Metric for Improved SIFT Matching" [, ].
Teach the techniques for the color correction on non linear editing softwares. Good manual for beginners and professionists. There re also some good tutorials to follow.
Finite element programa made in matlab that uses linear interpolation to solve a truss fix at one end with an external force.
... set values instead of any R value
-values are selected from a preloaded entry rather than the excel. lowers precision but increases run time drastically.
-updated fs_find_dnew to find_d to implement a binary search instead of a linear one.