a linear image denoising procedures denoising good results, a simple coding procedures
have further added a very simple Linear Equalizer to the code, where I assume that the channel is perfectly known. Note that for equalization to work here, the prefix length must be equal to or greater than the length of the channel.
and the impulses are stabilizing. For each type of impulses,
by using Lyapunov function and Razumikhin-type techniques, the
sufficient conditions for global exponential stability are established
in terms of linear matrix inequalities with respect t
Find the Fisher linear separator w (a column vector).
X is is the training set (X is a matrix. Each row of X
is a vector containing the features of a single sample). y is
a column vector with the labels of the training set (1 and - ...
Matlab code for describing linear discriminant analysis
This addresses the use of ANFIS function in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for nonlinear dynamical system identification. This
also requires the System Identification Toolbox, as a comparison is made between a nonlinear ANFIS and a linear ARX model.
this is matlab program uses GRNN neural network tocontrol the speed of Linear induction Motor Drive, both m-file and simulink file are includd