This is a VHDL module that implements linear prediction filter based on NLMS (normalized least mean square). The module takes complex signal as input and output comlex signal (real and imaginary).
Tap size is 4, bit precision is set to 12 bits.
VHDL code for linear prediction filter based on RLS (recursive least square).
Filter order is set to 4, bit precision set to 12 bits for input and output. Signals are complex signals.
Jacobi Iteration - Method of Simultaneous Displacement for a system of linear equations
memory environment, using OpenMP, and in a distributed
memory environment, using MPI. Parallel LU and
Gaussian algorithms for linear systems have been studied
extensively and the point of this paper is to present the
results of examining various ...
the given file is a source code for the program of the solution of system of the linear equations on the Gauss, the equations are set in a dyadic view, effects are output in the form of the table
... detection limit of an analytical system. The Duffing oscillator algorithm
(DOA) might be a promising tool to extend instrumental linear range and to improve the accuracy of trace analysis. The research enlarged the
application scope of Duffing equation ...