This application was designed to help me figure out the demographics of my address list. I was curious as to where the various people were located in the continental United States. After a while, I found a couple of interesting articles that pointed me in ...
推荐使用php4 + MYSQL 4搭建!!
采用Sugar Suite v4.0.1为核心!
For a list of new features and other important information
about Sugar Suite 4.0.1, please see the ReleaseNotes.doc file.
Our goal continues to be to build the customer relationship ...
This section allows you to browse the files contained within a ZIP file without having to download it first. The file list below shows all of the files those that are in a text format that we recognize the extension for (e.g. source code files) are ...
computes histogram and some statistical measures (min, max, ...) for a list of values (one per line)
gcc -g -o analyze_values analyze_values.c -lm
... Debugger, pdb is a program which allows people to work with
packet streams as if they were working with a source code debugger. Users
can list, inspect, modify, and retransmit any packet from captured files as
well as work with live packet capture.
... (also called Program Stream).Such movie file it s composed from various packs (video,audio,data,etc.). What this program does is to list every packet in a MPEG2 file along with some info about each pack.It might be interesting to know exactly how much ...