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  • zipcodemapping_demo.zip This application was designed to help me figure out the demographics of my address list. I was curious as to where the various people were located in the continental United States. After a while, I found a couple of interesting articles that pointed me in ...
  • TestMem.rar 这个是我写的一个用于测试内存使用的小工具,可以随意向LIST列表添加条目
  • sqlread_.zip 万能sql读取 获取sql命令,读取后写入一个List控件
  • C3CRMphp4mysql4.rar 用php开发的crm系统, 推荐使用php4 + MYSQL 4搭建!! 采用Sugar Suite v4.0.1为核心! For a list of new features and other important information about Sugar Suite 4.0.1, please see the ReleaseNotes.doc file. Our goal continues to be to build the customer relationship ...
  • IPDetect.rar count IP packets and list the protocol
  • Binary_search.zip This section allows you to browse the files contained within a ZIP file without having to download it first. The file list below shows all of the files those that are in a text format that we recognize the extension for (e.g. source code files) are ...
  • analyze_values.rar purpose computes histogram and some statistical measures (min, max, ...) for a list of values (one per line) compile gcc -g -o analyze_values analyze_values.c -lm
  • Button_List_Bar_NET.zip 例子程序中包括了如何用button 控件实现由list 功能的控件,
  • pdb-0.1.tar.gz ... Debugger, pdb is a program which allows people to work with packet streams as if they were working with a source code debugger. Users can list, inspect, modify, and retransmit any packet from captured files as well as work with live packet capture.
  • PS_Analyzer.rar ... (also called Program Stream).Such movie file it s composed from various packs (video,audio,data,etc.). What this program does is to list every packet in a MPEG2 file along with some info about each pack.It might be interesting to know exactly how much ...