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  • 16.rar ... 檚 CPU to process USB data directly (Port I/O Mode), most applica- tions use the FX1 simply as a conduit between the USB and external data-processing logic (e.g., an ASIC or DSP, or the IDE controller on a hard disk drive).
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  • logical.zip this program is about logic and have 4 class. for execute this program use of link list.
  • Combiningneuranetfuzzy.zip An Ebook describing how to combine Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks
  • Wiley.Verilog.Coding.for.Logic.Synthesis.ebook-Sp this book is very good for programming HDL
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  • MST720C.rar 松下TFT显示屏的驱动原理,采用MST720方案,是TFT屏开发人员的必要资料。文档为POWER LOGIC
  • 0470860758.zip fuzzy logic basic info
  • l3.zip introduction to combinational logic in verilog
  • matlabfuzzyLogic.rar MATLAB FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER