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  • ipio-ftpd-1.0.zip An other ftp server enables you to control hardware io and/or switch software logic functions
  • 1.rar solar pv mppt wind mppt using fuzzy logic control
  • 2.rar solar pv mppt wind mppt using fuzzy logic control
  • logic_simulation_problem.zip VHDL Logic simulation Project content.
  • miniLogicAnalyzer.rar a sample of mini Logic Analyzer, by AVR-atmega, with codevision (C language) codes, plus PCB and Schematic
  • fuzzy-logic-image-fusion.zip 提出了一种基于小波变换和模糊集的图像融合算法.其基本思想是: 首先对图像进行小波变换,获得图 像的低频和高频分量 随后在融合过程中, 对低频和高频分量采取不同的融合策略, 即对低频分量采用平均能 量法进行融合,对高频成分利用图像的模糊集, 寻求一个模糊隶属函数作为融合算子进行融合 最后再对融合 后的图像进行小波反变换,重构出融合后的图像.实验结果证明了方法的有效性.
  • KpImageViewerV2_151_src.zip ... and the ShapeEditorExampleVs2008 project, containing the form you see in the screenshot, including the property grid + selection combobox logic. As you can see, this is separated from the ShapeEditorLibrary so you can implement it completely differently ...
  • Manipulating-GDIP-Drawings-(VB).zip ... and the ShapeEditorExampleVs2008 project, containing the form you see in the screenshot, including the property grid + selection combobox logic. As you can see, this is separated from the ShapeEditorLibrary so you can implement it completely differently ...
  • DC_motor_control_fuzzy.zip fuzzy logic control of speed DC Motor
  • decoder_v.rar decoder logic in decoder