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  • barcode.rar Barcode reader using LPC2148 NXP ARM microprocessor and a common barcode using SPI comunication and FreeRTOS.
  • LCD.zip GCC code adatpted for the IAR lpc2148-R2 development kit
  • LPC2148mode.rar LPC2148在ADS下的模板,简单实用,省去搭建模板时间
  • UreadSD.rar LPC2148读取CD中的数据,在Windows下可以当做U盘读写
  • Robot.zip Cod for step drivers with LPC2148
  • glcd_interface.rar interfacing GLCD with lpc2148
  • Buzzer.rar this is a buzzer program for lpc2148 microcontroller
  • CompleteProjectWithoutRTOS.zip LPC2148 example programs
  • LpcUsbStack.rar LPC usb stack lpc2148
  • Source.rar complete source code with free rtos lpc2148