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  • sensor_TFT_pro.rar This is a program to upload a photo to the TFT-LCD by taking the pixel values acquired by the sensor and through the ARM7(LPC2148) processor.
  • FAT-on-2148.zip 将fatfs移植到LPC2148芯片上的源代码。
  • GPS_1.0.rar LPC2148通过串口接收GPS信号以及AD采样信号
  • LPC2148RTC.rar ARM7 LPC2148 program for REAL TIME clock
  • Serial-Driver.rar 这是一个基于ucos操作系统开发的串口循环缓冲区!是运行于ARM7内核的LPC2148处理器上的。
  • blinky_ulink.rar 已调通的LPC2148 ARM7核心模块Blinky完整文档,新手可通过此文档了解其工作原理,很有意义。
  • Tetris.C1L5.rar rar file including a tetris game with nxp arm7 lpc2148 using a tft lcd on the board.
  • 8.1---IIC.rar the rar file includes i2c kontrol code with usage of a tft with nxp arm7 lpc2148.
  • 9.1---ADC.rar the rar file includes a source code for adc with the nxp arm7 lpc2148 microcontroller.
  • 4.3---LCD_BMP.rar the rar file includes a source code for bitmap monitoring on tft with the nxp lpc2148 microcontroller.