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  • improvingLZW.rar LZW was originally designed for implementation by special hardware, but it turned out to be highly suitable for efficient software implementations too. An enhanced variant is available on UNIX systems and many other systems as the compress command. We ...
  • shabnam-chatserver.zip ChatServer with Compressing a text by Lzw Algorithm
  • CppwroteLZWcompressionalgorithm.rar Cpp写的LZW压缩算法源代码 Cpp写的LZW压缩算法源代码 CPP写的LZW压缩算法源代码
  • Computer_G1924148152005.zip tis relate to lzw comp
  • comdecom.rar 利用LZW压缩和解压缩文件,供大家讨论研究
  • lzw_algorithm.rar lzw algorithm in c,which is use to compress files
  • Compress.zip 一个RLE/HUFFMAN/LZW的压缩算法类,可以对一段内存区进行压缩/解压缩、测试压缩比等操作。
  • AutoUpgrade.rar ... 的形式: /AD:"12:00:10" /url:"" 第1个参数暂无意义,第2个参数 ... String ParaStr = "/AD:12:00:10 /url:" ShellExecute(NULL,"Open","Upgrade_Pro.exe",ParaStr.c_str(),ExtractFileDir(Application-> ...
  • Arc_bibl.zip here s a number of LZW and Huffman compression implementations in C from older tech archives