# LZW.js - a JS-friendly text compression algorithm ## tl;dr The Good: * Small (< 500 bytes gzip-minified) * Runs anywhere (no dependencies, cross-browser) * Decent compression. [Try it the demo](http://broofa.com/lzwjs) * Handles unicode strings (set `options.utf8encode = true`) (mostly) The Bad: * Not super fast. Encodes at 2-5M chars/sec on a Macbook Pro. The Ugly: * It's not _real_ LZW... as in it won't play nice with `compress` or other LZW utilities. If you need support in non-JS environments, you'll have to write your own port (and please contribute back here!) == Why == Sometimes clients need to push a lot of data back to the server. And sometimes that data would compress really nicely (I'm looking at you, every JSON-API out there!) Sadly, there's zero support for this sort of thing in browsers today. LZW.js is intended as a cheap-to-download API for doing "pretty good" compression in the client. Is it practical? Well... maybe. One big issue is that AJAX requests are traditionally made using `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` content types. And URL-encoding bloats the hell out of... well... pretty much any text stream.