This is the machine-generated representation of a Handle Graphics object and its children. Note that handle values may change when these objects
are re-created. This may cause problems with any callbacks written to
depend on the value of the handle at ...
算法实现:Jieping Ye. Generalized low rank approximations of matrices. Machine Learning, Vol. 61, pp. 167-191, 2005.
soda machine的实现,可以进行完整的simulation,但是在实现的时候有一点问题
support vector classification machine
% soft margin
% uses "kernel.m"
% xtrain: (Ltrain,N) with Ltrain: number of points N: dimension
% ytrain: (Ltrain,1) containing class labels (-1 or +1)
% xrun: (Lrun,N) with Lrun: number of points N: dimension ...
Control certain aspects of machines sitting remotely, without having to install and trigger an application on the remote machine. source+exe+article
... of the Skin Cancer Segmentation program (skinseg) runs on the Windows platforms. Make sure all files reside in the same directory after extraction. No setup program is required to install skinseg on your machine. To run, execute the program skinseg.exe.
some csh scripts, for example, you can find the best machine with light loading, you can find a special process on a list of server.
a Java toolkit for training, testing, and applying Bayesian Network Classifiers. Implemented classifiers have been shown to perform well in a variety of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining applications.