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  • fileprune ... .spinellis.gr/pubs/trade/2003-login-prune/html/prune.html). _;login:_, 28(3):39-42, June 2003. # Building * To build the program under Unix, Linux, Cygwin run ```make``` * To build the program under Microsoft C/C++ run ```nmake /f Makefile.mak```
  • taskmanager ... in C and Win32 SDK. ## Usage TaskManager.exe ## Description A TaskManager on Win32 Platform written in C and Win32 SDK. ## IDE Dev-C++ ## Compile For Mingw: make -f Makefile.mingw For VC 6.0: nmake /f TaskManager.mak
  • useful-make-macros ... settings and macros include useful-make-macros/src/Machines.mak # contains machine specific overrides with examples include useful- ... to environment include useful-make-macros/src/Recipes.mak # common recipes Need a sample makefile? copy a ...
  • imo2sproxy ... imoproxy.mak - Compiles the Miranda IM Plugin There are 4 available Targets: Win32 Release - 32bit Windows Release version ... Windows Debug version i.e.: nmake -f imoskype.mak CFG="Win32 Release" Requirements ------------ On Linux, libcurl Libraries ...
  • agsutils ... ubuntu: `apt install build-essential`), simply run `make`. if you need any special CFLAGS, LDFLAGS etc put them into config.mak or append them to the make command, i.e. `make CFLAGS="-O2 -g"` compilation on windos: ---------------------- mingw is not ...
  • STM32F4xx-Startup ... use make debug-gdb If you don't use an STLink v2 compatible JTAG adapter, you can change the JTAG_ADAPTER variable in config.mak to match your adapter if there is already a correspondig rules file in /build/jtag_adapters available. If there isn't you ...
  • cpress ... := header.md CPRESS_DIR := ../cpress/ all: test.html include $(CPRESS_DIR)cpress.mak ``` You need to create a header.md which has some ... also need to define the relative path to the cpress.mak install from your Makfile via `CPRESS_DIR `. Then you can ...
  • opendrc ... used to compile this program. However, C++Builder will generate .mak files to use with the command line. The two make ... DRCTest there are no warnings. In the event that the .MAK files become out of synch with the .BPR files these ...
  • levawc ... enclosed makefiles in this directory, like this:
    • linux.mak - uses the native gcc compiler in Linux. Command ... C compiler in Win32. Command: nmake -f vcwin32.mak

    Another way, to build the library ...

  • test ... server type CTRL-C in the terminal window. References: Hibernate Made Easy, Cameron McKenzie, 2008 Spring Recipes, Gary Mak, 2008 Spring Framework Reference Documentation 3.0, http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/ ...