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  • Matrix-Operate.zip Matrix Operate.zip.是使用c++进行矩阵运算。运算功能强大。可以将该算法融入到工程实际中。
  • Matrix-techniques.rar Matrix techniques for modelling ultrasonic waves in multilayered media。This paper presents a review of the main developments of the matrix techniques, and their use in response and modal models, with emphasis on ultrasonics applications
  • Gauss-Jordan-Matrix.zip ... for one or more right-hand side vectors b, and also the matrix inverse A(-1). However, its principal weaknesses are (i) that ... manipulated at the same time, and (ii) that when the inverse matrix is not desired, Gauss-Jordan is three times slower than the ...
  • Fuzzy-similar-matrix-MATLAB-program.zip Fuzzy similar matrix MATLAB program 模糊相似矩阵的MATLAB 程序
  • matrix.zip J2me matrix appliing for 3d games
  • Contradiction-Matrix.zip Contradiction Matrix which is used for solving problems by TRIZ.
  • simple-matrix.rar Simple matrix application
  • Matrix-Differential.rar Matrix Differential(基本的矩阵微分公式)
  • zigzak-matrix-scan-matlab-code.rar zixzak matrix matlab code for 8*8 matrix
  • matrix.zip matrix multiplication