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  • matrix.rar matrix manipulation. Multiplication etc.
  • tutorial-MATLAB-matrix-notation.zip basic MATLAB tutorial for matrix manipulation
  • matrix.rar 介绍了利用Matrix VB插件实现从VB中调用MATLAB函数的具体方法,利用该方法,可大大提高 VB程序的计算和绘图能力,增强用户开发人机界面友好的计算程序的能力
  • Matrix.rar 矩阵类的C++实现!可直接运行!Matrix.cpp Matrix.h
  • matrix.rar program matrix read input from file and convert to matrix then write in new file symmetric matrix
  • 8x8-dot-matrix-clock.rar 8x8 matrix clock source code with design for proteus vsm
  • matrix.rar.gz 3x3 matrix implementation in VHDL
  • 8x8-matrix-display-avr-code.zip avr 8x8 dot matrix source code
  • matrix.zip An Interactive program Built from LOOPS AND CONDITION this program Create the MATRIX EFFECT in realtime envirnment
  • matrix.rar 这是matrix.h头文件,可以方便那些想在vc中使用矩阵等运算的用户。