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  • Finite Element Method using MatLab (2nd Ed.)(sourc 通过Matlab实现有限元算法第二版
  • waiter.rar A Waiter relays an order Object to a Producer, waits in an independent thread during the production, and then delivers the result using a Consumer callback method.
  • method.rar MatLab的拉格朗日插值法
  • cgi post method.rar CGI Post方法测试,通过测试
  • 蒙特卡罗方法 在统计物理中的应用_10236807.rar 蒙特卡罗方法 在统计物理中的应用
  • 7split.zip ... most common need for this is when you want to put your (big) file on floppy disks, for backup or any other purposes. The method for reversing the process, the unsplitting, is also included. Built & tested using Delphi versions 3, 4 and 5, but it should ...
  • 使用DShow同时进行视频预览和捕捉.rar This article explains a method to perform previewing and grabbing simultaneously from a Webcam using DirectShow. Rather than using the conventional ISampleGrabber interface, this application used Dire
  • BGM求解线性方程.rar 使用“Biconjugate Gradient Method”并行程序实现复杂的线性方程求解
  • LED_src.zip Flash LED ControlBy Horia Tudosie Fancy control simulating a LED light by rewriting the Paint method. A good set of properties allows all kind of flash effects.
  • ANNCAM.zip ... and energy levels after eachiteration (namely set up for 8, though usually the network stabilizes afterabout 4). The program demonstrates a very straight-forward method ofprogramming a content-addressable memory and receiving output from that memory.