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  • Pinyin_input_method.rar Pin Yin input method
  • TsaiMethod-v3.0.rar 相机标定——Tsai Method 的C源码!!! 希望对大家有用
  • siftDemoV4.rar 基于特征的影像匹配——SIFT Method!!! 相当经典,只不过是MatLab源码,希望有哪位高手能转换成VC++源码!
  • ovrlpadd.rar realize overlapped-add method %[y]=overlpadd(x,h,Nfft) %y:output sequence %x:input sequence %h:filter impulse response sequence %Nfft:points of each DFT operation %重叠相加法实现分段卷积
  • ovrlpsav.rar %realize overlapped-save method %y:output sequence %x:input seqence %h:filter impulse response sequence %N:length of each segment %重叠保留法实现分段卷积
  • cube_persp.rar opengl code, shows the cube in greed. colour method and 3d graphic
  • Csharpusuallyusedfunctionandmethod.zip C# usually used function and method
  • qpn_1.5.02.zip a super good method for designing finite state machine
  • ThefiniteelementmethodusingMatlab.rar 《The finite element method using Matlab》源程序及电子书 用Matlab进行有限元分析
  • 2004102383334491.rar I2C coding extend method