this is a muti cycle mips code that it can do mutiply,add,sub,xor,beq,bne,slt,sltu,ori,xori and... and it take address and data and then operate on them.
this code has written in verilog and it is about multi cycle mips processor .This code can do alot of jobs for examole,add ,addi ,addiu,and ,andi,ori ,mfhi.mfho,xor,slt,slti,ssw,lw,lui ,jal ,mult ,multu,... and it can multiply two input inter less than 32 ...
MIPS CPU with Mulicycle Datapath. This is a custom RISC processor implemented to achieve the function of "lw, sw, add, sub, and, or, beq, j"
Mem.vhd - memory
buffer.vhd - buffer
ALUcon.vhd - Alu controller
pc.vhd - program counter
REG - registers
information and design about mips architechture processor in vhdl language