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  • jiaohuanshuju.rar 用VISUAL BASIC 编写的一个字体转换的小程序,大家莫嫌弃啊
  • lincan-0.3.3.tar.gz LinCAN is a Linux kernel module that implements a CAN driver capable of working with multiple cards, even with different chips and IO methods. Each communication object can be accessed from multiple applications concurrently. It supports RT-Linux, 2.2 ...
  • USBMouse2.rar This design package includes reference materials for creating a USB - PS/2 combination mouse that auto-detects the interface and configures itself to operate on the appropriate bus. Documentation docs - Designing a low cost CY7C63723 combination ...
  • MoreExceptionalCPP(AddisonWesley).rar Organized in a practical problem-and-solution format, More Exceptional C++ picks up where the widely acclaimed Exceptional C++ leaves off, providing successful strategies for solving real-world problems in C++. Drawing from years of in-the-trenches ...
  • adaptive-signal-arithmetic.rar Some algorithms of variable step size LMS adaptive filtering are studied.The VS—LMS algorithm is improved. Another new non-linear function between肛and e(/ t)is established.The theoretic analysis and computer simulation results show that this algorithm ...
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  • mo+ni+QQ2.rar 这是一个用java代码编写的应用小程序,一个简单局域网
  • jpowergraph-0.1-swing.zip JPowerGraph is a Java library for creating directed graphs for Swing. It supports graph movement, selection, context menus, tooltips and dynamic edge creation.
  • matlabsnakegame.rar The Game: Make the snake grow longer by directing it to the food. Extra bonus points are given from hearts, eat them as fast as possible as amount of bonus points decreases with time. Higher level gives more points for the food but will also make it ...