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  • Mobile-IPv6-HOWTO.zip MIPL Mobile IPv6 ebook
  • Springer.Mobile.Phone.Programming.Aug.2007.rar springer mobile phone programming
  • Mobile.Web.Development.2008.zip ... friendly sites and applications Adapt presentation to different devices Build mobile front ends to server-side applications Use SMS and MMS and take mobile payments Make applications respond to voice and touchtone commands Learn XHTML MP, WCSS ...
  • doubleBuffering(Mobile).rar 在 Windows Mobile 6.0 平台实现图像无闪烁切换(双缓冲)
  • Wiley.Mobile.WiMAX.Apr.2008.rar Wiley s Mobile WiMAX Apr 2008 Book
  • Mobile.rar Mobile 移动应用开发宝典》示例源码 其中包含17个WebService ,数据库,文件签名,注册表 ,线程,控件,PocketOutlook(发送邮件)等 以c#和VB 编写的运用范例 方便大家学习参考
  • Windows+Mobile.rar Windows Mobile development document
  • microsoft-mobile-development-handbook.rar Features essential coverage of key mobile-development topics -Covers application development for .NET Compact Framework 2.0, in addition to SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition and Microsoft Windows Mobile ® 5.0, running on devices such as ...
  • Mobile.rar It is mobile communication
  • mobile.rar these are a set of some mobile applications such as Black list....etc