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  • mobile.SP.gateway.rar 编程(delphi):GMCC SP
  • 运行于Nokia 9210 Communicator手机游戏.rar 本手机游戏richman运行于Nokia 9210 Communicator手机硬件平台,操作系统Symbian Series80 v6.0,使用语言Symbian C++。游戏使用图形界面,分辨率640*200,4096色。内含详细的手机游戏背景和平台介绍、手机游戏编译和安装环境、手机游戏创意与策划、手机游戏技术架构及技术文件、游戏运行流程(版权所有,用于学习交流,不得用于商业)
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  • Cdma2k.zip This model simulates a CDMA2000 1xRTT Forward link (between Base Station and Mobile Station). In particular, it simulates the Radio Configuration 3 of a Forward Fundamental channel. The block CDMA2k: Initial settings allows you to set different parameters ...
  • 手机PDA程序入门-Game API进阶.rar 手机PDA程序设计入门-Game API进阶,中文书籍
  • PDA上的铃声软件源码.rar Windows Mobile PDA上的铃声软件 源码 有兴趣的可以
  • PhoneReader 源程序.rar Windows Mobile手机阅读软件源程序,在家可以试试行不行
  • v0[1].1.zip The goal with this project was to make it possible for almost any mobile-phone to use ICQ and be able to communicate with other users! One other goal with this project was to lower the GPRS-traffic in the phone and make the ICQ-ing cheaper. A third ...