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  • Agilla_v3.0.3.tar.gz Agilla: a mobile agent middleware for wireless sensor networks. Agilla enables users to inject mobile agents into a wireless sensor network. Agents are autonomous computational entities that can migrate or clone across nodes in a wireless sensor network. ...
  • JavaSMSTransceiverV11.rar SMSTransceiver (short message service transmitter and receiver [transceiver]) is a tool for sending and receiving SMS via a serial or infrared connection between PC and a mobile phone.
  • GPRSDemo.rar 需要用 Windows Mobile 来做通信处理,需要将手机端的数据通过GPRS传送至公网上的一个服务器上。数据传输我采用的是socket,用数据线+ActiveSync调试通过,数据传输正常,在准备将软件提交给质检部门的时候,用真正的GPRS来做通信测试时
  • ZTEMobileTrain.rar 中兴公司无线基础培训资料-比较适合入门(ZTE Mobile Training)
  • Bluetooth_Manager.rar 基于window mobile 的蓝牙之间的搜索,连接,和通讯. (VS2003 C#)
  • Mobile.rar JAVA调用短信网关发送短信,希望对初时者有点帮助,大家一起学习!
  • Donuts2.rar Windows Mobile 6 DirectX 2D源码
  • DDex1.rar Windows Mobile 6 DDraw1案例
  • Msmq.rar MSMQ at Windows Mobile 5.0 sample and develop with Visual Studio .NET 2005
  • btsearch.rar Pocket PC搜寻周围蓝牙设备程序。来自微软Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK的代码