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  • WebCast20071017am_Video.zip 微软专家讲解的一个在mobile下开发的应经验视频
  • BToothConnection.rar Bluetooth Connection in Windows Mobile 5.0 using InThehand - C#.
  • StudyofRecent.rar A Study of Recent Research Trends and Experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
  • matscii.rar matscii.m Function to generate ASCII images from grey scale images. A bit retro but may have applications for interesting text messages on your mobile phone!
  • mobile-provide-projectV11.doc.rar 华夏公司的手机项目 华夏手机课程方案 为手机服务商提供
  • CellCore_RIL_Overview.rar Windows Mobile CellCore & RIL Overview,开发RIL驱动的朋友可以下载参考一下.
  • mCoreLib.rar 老外Logix Mobile mCoreLib短信控件源码 通过串口或者手机数据线进行连接,可对手机进行 读写操作.
  • Winmobile.zip windows mobile 开发实例wi ndows mobile 开发实例
  • smslib-2[1].1.2.rar 最新发送短信的jar包 COutgoingMessage msg = new COutgoingMessage(mobile , message) msg.setMessageEncoding(CMessage.MessageEncoding.EncUcs2) msg.setStatusReport(true) srv.sendMessage(msg)
  • MotherDevice.rar windows mobile MotherDevice