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  • MobileRs.rar j2me mobile application for upload file to server.
  • PolishMenu.rar j2me is based on j2mepolish, client & server for mobile application. menu sample
  • ServiceProfiles.src.zip j2me is based on j2mepolish, client & server for mobile application.
  • pocketbone.zip windows mobile phone source code
  • UIandWorkThread.rar windows mobile下面的线程实例,演示了用户线程和工作者线程的使用,evc开发环境下调试通过
  • 802.16e-2005.rar IEEE 802.16e-2005 IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems Amendment for Physical and Medium Access Control Layers for Combined Fixed and Mobile Operation in ...
  • SIMTest.rar Windows Mobile 6下的SIM卡操作测试程序,实现了SIM卡的打开、读、写、删除操作。在VS2005下编译。
  • Sim_CS.rar 读取Windows Mobile 6中的SIM卡存储信息,包括条目容量,已用条目数,存储长度等。C#编写,VS2005下编译。
  • SPSerialPort.rar 在Windows Mobile手机操作系统下,实现串口通信功能。
  • PPC_Weather.rar 在手机操作系统上Mobile上开发的一个查看天气预报的程序。很好的一个实例。