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  • 会动的眼睛.zip 会动的眼睛,flash源代码
  • move.rar JAVA写的在页面上滚动显示信息。
  • Binary_Sea1792619122004.zip this code not only show you Binary Search Tree, but also asm code for move your mouse!
  • ResizableCtrl_src.zip ... I detected some variables and actions that are general for all the resizable controls and for this reason I decided to move them in a general interface, IResizeControl, from which all the resizable controls are to inherit. Technically, IResizeControl is ...
  • Bios.zip ... port run ------ run from sdram prog ------ program flash copy ------ copy flash from src to dst address boot ------ boot from flash backup ------ move bios to the top of flash md ------ show memory data move ------ move program from flash to sdram
  • autoupdate.rar ... 版本文件,确定是否需要更新,并生成更新列表 -》根据更新列表下载文件,存放在临时目录 -》下载结束后逐个更新本地文件(move) -》move结束,删除临时目录。修改本地版本文件 文件更新顺序:先检查GAME的文件(data和exe)是否要UPDATE,然后再看PLATFORM。
  • 曲线处理——贝塞尔曲线程序.rar ;生成界面上有三个按钮,Add**Move,为左键增加点,右键拖动点;Move**Add,为右键增加点,左键拖动点;Clear为清楚界面上所有的点和曲线! 其实这是我得一门选修课的作业!欢迎指教!
  • epflyingop.zip A component that allows you to perform file operations (copy, move, delete) using the ShFileOperation Windows API function, showing the "flying files" Windows 95 standard dialog box. 使用ShFileOperation函数操作文件
  • move.rar 变化很强大的图像变化算法提供给大家参考,进行移动
  • move.rar 为在VB中修改form的borderstyle属性为0而导致不能移动程序在屏幕中的位置提供了解决办法