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  • webkit-move.rar webkit 代码移植 在android平台的webkit移植
  • SilverlightSample.zip Silverlight中INotifyPropertyChange/Cube/get cursor/move objects/animation 用法的事例
  • FX3-Programmers-Manual.rar Use VC++ usb production that move new effect
  • move.rar 以QVOD为核心结合网站资源的播放器源码
  • dot-move.rar 点阵移位调试 各种不同的移动:水平移动,上下移动,速度的控制等 8位机下 keil c下编译通过
  • lcd-move.rar 液晶半屏移动调试的源码 128X64点阵液晶 可以实现图像、数字,中文
  • move(api).rar 实现了在运行的时候拖动控件和改变大小的功能。
  • transform2d.zip Processing 2D Transformation Processing has built-in functions that make it easy for you to have objects in a sketch move, spin, and grow or shrink. This tutorial will introduce you to the translate, rotate, and scale functions so that you can use them ...
  • turtle-maze.zip ... a turtle in the habitat. Each turtle is described by its location and the direction in which the turtle is moving. The turtle can move to the next cell and turn its direction to the right or to the left. Also, this class provides methods to check if ...
  • 96.rar Vb中的MOVE方法例子,很不错的VB源码,适合VB爱好者学习研究。