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资源说明:The Drag.Move.Inside class makes it easy to check if an element is inside another element while dragging one of the elements.

The Drag.Move.Inside class makes it easy to check if an element is inside another element while dragging one of the elements.


How to use

Similar to Drag.Move, Drag.Move.Inside needs all of the same informations.

        new Drag.Move.Inside(document.id('drag'), {

            container: $$('#inside>div')[0],

            droppables: $$('#inside .drop'),

            onInside: function(element, droppable){
                droppable.setStyle('background', '#E79D35');

            onLeaveInside: function(element, droppable){
                droppable.setStyle('background', '#6B7B95');

            onDrop: function(element, droppable){
                if (droppable) droppable.setStyle('background', '#C17878');

