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  • Mandelbrot.rar 并行程序设计,使用mpi,实现Mandelbrot的程序,结果输出是每个点的数字
  • MatMul.rar matrix multiplication using MPI
  • matrix_multiply.rar It is a matrix vector multiplication algorithm implement in MPI and C
  • 2008.09.04-lumsdaine-hpcw.rar MPI for next generation of supercomputing a ppt from inidana university
  • Ananth-Grama.rar Lecture series of anat-gramma mpi book
  • MPI_for_python.rar This document describes the MPI for Python package. MPI for Python provides bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard for the Python programming language, allowing any Python program to exploit multiple processors.
  • mpi.rar C++编写的多线程圆周率运算。并行计算课上老师的作业
  • Gauss.rar gaussian algorithm for parallel solution of linear equations using MPI
  • MPIIntro-Lusk-20030924.rar Introduction to MPI What it is Where it came from Basic MPI communication Some simple example Some simple exercises More advanced MPI communication A non-trivial exercise
  • 22-1.rar FFT的MPI并行实现,很不错的哦。在vs2005中编译通过