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  • ccc.rar 该系统全部用 servlet开发完成。 该系统开发环境为:tomcat 5.5+netbeans 5.5+sqlserver 2000 sp4+jtds驱动。
  • Cinema.rar 一款用Netbeans做的带读写的电影院售票系统
  • GA_SCHEDULER.zip Java based Genetic algorithm for solving benchmark Job shop problem. The source code is developed in NetBeans environment
  • AStarUpan.rar 用A星算法求解八数码问题,使用的是JAVA语言编程,开发环境是Netbeans
  • JiNanDaoLu.rar netbeans平台上开发,用于济南市二环路以内的最短路径寻优。
  • nbproject.rar Java游戏——基于J2me的太空英雄手机版源代码,一款运行诺基亚手机的经典游戏。编译环境:JDK 1.5 + Netbeans 5.0中文版 + Mobility Pack + 索爱开发包2.2.4,编译的时候模拟器选择k700,MIDP-1.0,CLDC-1.0 jad等信息请自己补全。
  • factorial(recursion).rar factorial recursion written in java copy to netbeans or any ide and it will run
  • HuaRongRoad.rar J2ME实现的手机小游戏。华容道。开发环境为NetBeans
  • JOGLLesson01SampleWindow.zip The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a JOGL program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUADS ...
  • JOGLLesson02ExamplePrimitivesWithGLUT.zip The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 2: The second lesson deals with the production of geometric primitives with GLU and GLUT. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info