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  • nnet.zip Neural Network Toolbox™ User’s Guide 2010 by The MathWorks, Inc.
  • help_ANN.zip HTML HELP Applications for Neural Network Toolbox™ Software
  • ANN2.zip Neural Network Toolbox For Use with MATLAB® Howard Demuth Mark Beale User’s Guide . PDF
  • simplemlp.rar ... assignment is intended to provide basic experience in writing neural network applications and conducting classification experiments with mlps. ... how to implement a back propagation multi-layer neural network which can be used for a variety ...
  • Hopfield.rar sample code neural networks
  • IMS.rar A neural netwrok sample to classfied machine tool signal
  • digitaleyes-c.rar ... -learn Takes the image and give it to the neural network which compares its output and output wanted and ... the files in learning/ directory and gives them to the neural network. -block Detects blocks. -init Reinitializes the ...
  • Artificial_Neural_Networks_For_Beginners.rar The scope of this teaching package is to make a brief induction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for people who have no previous knowledge of them.
  • neural_xor.rar code for XOR problem using BP neural network without using matlabtoolbox
  • NeuralNetworks.rar Neural networks in image processing and other applications