Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • MODBUS-TCP-user-note.rar MODBUS的一个很好的用户手册,具有良好的程序框架
  • note.rar Buddy system on the platform for unix.
  • AN_SC13-IEC_PWD-Example.zip This application note describes how to connect an IPC@CHIP® to a database and exchange data between those. As there are no database drivers for the IPC@CHIP® , the connection is realized with a web server between the database and the IPC@CHIP& ...
  • android-note.zip 安卓学习笔记,记录了从初学者到高级开发工程师的一些重要笔记。即适合初学者也适合老手。
  • note.rar 实现了所有WINDOWS系统自带记事本的所有功能,并添加了一些其他功能。所有代码是本人全部写的,无任何抄袭。直接用Eclipse导入运行即可。我是个初学者,站长大哥给审核下啊。。
  • notepad_plus.10.src.zip Note Pad ++ 的源码,最新版本的,很简单的,可以研究一下,学习的好资料!
  • dgdgd.rar This routine must be tuned for the actual oscilator frequency used, shown here tuned for a 12MHz clock. Note that the CALL instruction that invokes Delay already uses 2 machine cycles.
  • HDLC_Final.rar This is detailed note on HDLC protocol. Here you can all necessary mode of operation and full architecture.
  • test4.rar TMS320X281xDSP定时器应用DSP28 T1PWM - output to generate a (square wave)note , CPU Timer0 ISR every 50 msWatchdog active , served in ISR and main-loop
  • deskTop-note.rar 桌面记事本透明的界面,放置于桌面上,设置提醒文字以备忘。