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  • ns2leach.pdf.tar.gz LEACH simulation In NS2
  • ns2hcca-2.29-060823.patch.gz NS2 patch for mac PRotcol
  • as.doc.tar.gz NS2 experience of mine for installation
  • nam-1.14.zip The new NAM (Network Animator) is released as a pure maintenance release and has no update. However, there is an effort to integrate with the new TCL/TK version 8.5. The NAM is used to animate the output of NS2 network simulator.
  • star6.zip This is a source file of TCL for ns2 platform to simulate two wireless network of Sensor nodes existing in the same space but having different frequencies. IT employs AODV routing with IEEE802.15.4 MAC and Network interface layer.
  • test_energy.zip A tcl file to test the battery model of mannasim extension to NS2. It generate energy consumption due to RX/TX as well as sensing.
  • ns21988.rar ns2实现的路由模拟,很简单,但能够在学习ns2的时候给人不少的启发
  • ns-2-for-the-impatient.rar ns2 documentation for impatient
  • ist-cims_v2.31.patch.gz 层次化移动IP仿真,适用于NS2 2.31+linux环境
  • cope.rar NS2下网络编码的仿真程序,无线的,实现了COPE算法的仿真