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  • sample.zip Sample for NS2, ns2 is simulation for NEtwork
  • wireless-aodv.rar please find out the attachment for ns2 simulation, about aodv protocol ad hoc network
  • build-essential_11.4.tar.gz one of the package of ns2 simulator
  • makefile.rar 现在讲述如何写makefile的文章比较少,通过这篇文章,学习ns2者可以很快掌握
  • ns2tutor.rar NS2 LEARNING DOCUMENT...LEARN ns2 in 2 hours
  • simple-wireless.rar its the simulation of simple wireless network using NS2
  • nsg.rar NSG,JAVA版的NS2网络脚本生成器。
  • ~small...rar it is good pdf for ns2 tcl file
  • frequency-set.zip routing table in ns2
  • leach.rar Document for implement Leach in ns2 version 2.27