... ), Parameter 1 (P1), Parameter 2 (P2).
If wou don愒 want to send Parameter 3 (P3) press Ctrl-d (^d).
If you enter a number then you have to the Bytes of the Datafield.
After the last Byte of the Datafield is entered the whole APDU is send the replay is ...
... (azimuth, elevation)
PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation, intensity)
h = PlotSphereIntensity(...)
Plots the intensity (as color) of a number of points on a unit sphere.
azimuth (phi), in degrees
elevation (theta), in degrees
intensity ...
Creates a Gaussian mixture model with specified architecture.MIX = GMM(DIM, NCENTRES, COVARTYPE) takes the dimension of the space
DIM, the number of centres in the mixture model and the type of the
mixture model, and returns a data structure MIX.
an application that finds the smallest of several integers. Assume that the first value
read specifies the number of values to input from the user
This program reads binary number from a file and convert it
//into demical number, and then print both the binary number and
//the demical number.
... smtp protocol correctly. It receive an email. and relay it out to an email server specified by users.
Platform: unix, linux, windows.
compilation command: g++ smtpr.c -lsocket -lnsl -o smtpr
usage: smtpr <port number> (<relay server>)